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Rosa mulliganii

29 Jul

Rosa mulliganii (23/06/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Rosa mulliganii (23/06/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Position: Full sun

Flowering period: Summer

Soil: Moist, well drained

Eventual Height: 9m

Eventual Spread: 6m

Hardiness: 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b

Family: Rosaceae

Rosa mulliganii is a vigorous deciduous or semi-evergreen climbing Rose. Its glossy dark green leaves are compound pinnate with up to 7 leaflets. Its individual leaflets are narrowly ovate with serrulate margins, up to 10cm long an 4cm broad. Its stems are very thorny which enables this Rose to climb. Its white fragrant flowers are single, up to 5cm across and appear in panicles of up to 15. Its fruit is a shiny red/ orange  hip and appears in the autumn.

Rosa mulliganii Flower (23/06/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Rosa mulliganii Flower (23/06/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Rosa mulliganii, commonly known as the Mulligan Rose, is native to China. In its native habit it grows in thickets.

The etymological root of the binomial name Rosa is from the ancient Latin term for the rose. Mulliganii is named after Brian Mulligan, a past assistant to the Director at Wisley.

The landscape architect may find Rosa mulliganii useful as an attractive climbing rose, grown against walls or structures and can be used to screen unsightly objects.

Ecologically, Rosa mulliganii flowers are attractive to pollinating insects. The hips are attractive to birds and some mammals. This shrub also provides a suitable nesting site for numerous birds.

Rosa mulliganii Leaf (23/06/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Rosa mulliganii Leaf (23/06/2013, Kew Gardens, London)

Rosa mulliganii prefers moist, fertile, well-drained soils. It tolerates most pH of soil.

Rosa mulliganii requires little maintenance.  Formative pruning should be carried out in late summer after the flowers have gone.