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Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London

11 Jan

This under 5’s playground located in front of the cafe at Chumleigh Gardens was open to the public in 2009 and designed by the landscape architects Shape. It is truncated triangle in form and enclosed by  a weld mesh fence with a single point of entrance via a self closing gate. The playground uses landforms to encourage children to climb,  balance and play creatively. Planting is used to provide visual texture, enclosure and interest.

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - View of Playground With Cafe in Background

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – View of Playground With Cafe in Background

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Weld Mesh Fence With Self Closing Gate

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Weld Mesh Fence With Self Closing Gate

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Balance Logs

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Balance Logs

Different surface materials are used through out the site, the majority of which are impact absorbing. These included rubber crumb impact absorbing surface, grass and sand. Other natural elements are used for children to sit and climb on, including wood and stone.

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Impact Absorbing Surface to Top, Ramp to Sand Pit and Adjacent to Slide

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Impact Absorbing Surface to Top, Ramp to Sand Pit and Adjacent to Slide

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Sand Pit with Informal Seating

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Sand Pit with Informal Seating

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Sand Pit With Wooden Edging

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Sand Pit With Wooden Edging

There are a couple of pieces of structured play equipment, the ones specified encourage group activity and interaction.

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Multiple Child Swing Encouraging Interaction

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Multiple Child Swing Encouraging Interaction

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Multiple Child Swing Encouraging Interaction

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Multiple Child Swing Encouraging Interaction

Between the Chumbleigh Gardens Cafe and the playground the is a hard paved area. Fronting the cafe in the warmer months are tables and chairs which allow parents to watch their children playing in the recessed fountains.

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5's Playground, London - Water Jets in Hard Paved Area

Chumleigh Gardens Under 5’s Playground, London – Water Jets in Hard Paved Area